
Vad är några skolor i Grekland?

offentliga universitet i Grekland

* National och Kapodistrian University of Athens

* Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki

* University of Kreta

* University of Ioannina

* University of Patras

* Egeiska havet

* University of Thessaly

* University of Western Grekland

* University of Peloponnese

* Democritus University of Thrase

* Harokopio University of Athens

* National Technical University of Athens

* Makedoniens universitet

* University of Piraeus

* Jonisk universitet

* University of Thessaly

* University of Thrakien

Privata universitet i Grekland

* American College of Grekland

* Deree - American College of Grekland

* Alba Graduate Business School

* Athens University of Economics and Business

* Fanteion University

* University of Peloponnese

* University of Western Makedonia

* University of Piraeus

* University of Thessaly

* University of Thrase